Competitive Operations
Head of Competitive Organization
(At Emerson Esports)
Duties and Accomplishments
Grew esports competitive teams from 2 games titles to 8
Before I became the Head of Competitive, Emerson Esports only had competitive teams for two games: League of Legends and Overwatch. After I took over the position, Emerson Esports expanded to include multiple competitive teams for 7 different game titles, labeled below:
- Overwatch, League of Legends, Valorant, Rocket League, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Splatoon 3, and Apex Legends
Created and distributed competitive team interest forms to organization members, along with running and organizing tryouts for 5 different game titles
In order to gauge interest in our competitive teams, I created interest forms sent out to the organization that collected data and information about anyone interested in joining one of our teams. This information was used to organize tryouts and allow for the entire process to proceed quickly and efficiently.
Founded and managed 18 different competitive teams over the course of one and a half years
Over the one and a half years that I was the Head of Competitive, we had a total of 18 different teams for our 7 game titles. Due to my direction, I was able to give over 80 students the opportunity to play their respective games at a collegiate level and garner experience. This was quadruple the number of players that played under the Emerson Esports brand. A few of these teams are pictured below: